Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War

Nigel Oxley Lecture
2019 10.20

↓ details

Nigel Oxley Printmaking Exhibition
My Father’s War

Exhibition and Talk
2019 10.14 Monday to 27 Sunday

13:30 to 20:00  Saturday /Sunday 
15:00 to 20:00  Monday / Friday
Closed on Tuesday / Wednesday /Thursday

Artist Talk and Reception
2019 10.20 Sunday
17:30 to around 19:00

↓ 詳細

My Father’s War

2019年10月14日(月) から 27日(日)まで

13:30 から 20:00  土日祝
15:00 から 20:00  月金
火水木 休み

Nigel Oxley ナイジェル・オクスレーによるトーク(解説)と レセプション;
2019年10月20日(日) 17:30–19:00を予定

[同時開催 1] PRISM 11 TOKYO 版画展 /12ヶ国42名の版画展
2019年10月15日(火) から 31日(木)

[同時開催 2] John Read 版画展
2019年10月15日(火) から 27日(日)

Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War

Nigel Oxley worked at Kelpra Studio as master printer on many artists etchings/copper-plate printing such as Jim Dine, Barry Flanagan from towards the end of 1970s. He taught at Sir John Cass School of Art, London Metropolitan University. He continues to work and teach in his own printmaking studio in East Sussex. In 2012 he co-founded with long-term friend, John Read, PRISM Print International.

Fifteen prints exhibited at Print Gallery Tokyo are a response to his father’s experiences as a prisoner of war from 1942 to 1945 — stories the artist was never told directly, but discovered several years after his father’s death while sorting through his effects.

The processes include drypoint, polymer etching, solar plate etching, dremel engraving, and chine collee. Non standard materials were also prepared for planographic printing and hand applied colour and pochoir. All the plates/matrices were inked and then assembled on the bed of etching press in order to be printed as one with a single pass through the press.

Nigel Oxley:
about the works “My Father’s War”

In 1942 Oxley’s father, L/Sergeant Cecil(Bill)Oxley, Royal Artillery, was taken as a prisoner of war at the fall of Tobruk, Libya, North Africa. He was subsequently transported and imprisoned at P.G(Prisoner of War Camp)70, Fermo, Italy. The capitulation of Italy in 1943 resulted in all allied prisoners being cattle trucked to Germany. Thus he arrived at Stalag(Stammlager)IVB near Muhlberg by River Elbe. He spent the remainder of the war there, eventually being liberated by mounted Cossacks on April 23ed 1945.

In the winter of 1944 following the failed Warsaw uprising, those combatants still alive were captured and dispersed amongst the prisoner of war camps in Germany. One November morning Stalag IVB saw the arrival of long line of young woman captives sent to be held there temporarily until their uncertain fate would be decided Divided by barbed wire and overseen by armed guards, Ewa met Bill, and a brief, intense encounter ensued, to be ended when all the women were removed to other camps.

Thses events were discovered when, several years after his father’s death Oxley sorted through the boxes of his father’s effects. These relics, are of course a personal history, but also reveal the experience of those confronting conflict and imprisonment and through the creativity of human spirit, the attempts to build, and engage with, an environment beyond the hostility and brutality of incarceration.

The ‘Empire Theatre’ was built by P.O.Ws (prisoner of wars) within a disused hut, 47B, during 1944 and became a noted example of this ‘behind the wire’ activity. It was pivotal for Oxley’s father who became it’s ‘Make-Up’ man. His skill with Leichner grease paint and powder was not only evident in every production but was also called upon for several escape attempts.

Oxley’s fifteen prints represent nearly three years of work. The processes include drypoint, polymer etching, solar plate etching, dremel engraving, and chine collee. Non standard materials were also prepared for planographic printing and hand applied colour and pochoir. All the plates/matrices were inked and then assembled on the bed of etching press in order to be printed as one with a single pass through the press.

プリントギャラリーでは版画家・刷師であるナイジェル・オクスレー Nigel Oxley の版画展「My Fathaer’ War(父の戦争)」を開催します。 ナイジェル・オクスレーは1970年代後半からロンドンのケルプラ・スタジオ Kelpra Studioのマスタープリンター(刷師)としてジム・ダイン、バリー・フラナガン、エドゥアルド・パオロッツィなど多くのアーティストの銅版画制作を、作家と共同して手がけてきました。その後ロンドンのメトロポリタン大学の版画研究室で教鞭をとる他、イースト・サセックスに自身の工房を構え版画家としての活動を続けています。2012年に国境横断的な版画家の団体 Prism Print Internationalを友人であるジョン・リードとともに設立しました。

本展で展示されるMy Father’s Warと題される版画の15点の連作は、イギリス王立砲兵連隊の軍曹として第二次大戦に従軍しドイツ軍に捉えられた作家の亡き父の、捕虜となった過去の遺品がそのままモチーフとなっています。遺品によってはじめて明らかになった、生前語られることのなかった父の体験が、息子で版画家である作者によってはじめて版となり、紙面に定着/記録されたと言うこともできます。 ドライポイント・感光性樹脂凹版・樹脂凸版・雁皮刷等々、様々な版技法によって紙面に定着された、大変美しい仕上がりも見どころの一つです。是非ご高覧ください。

なお本展はINOAC銀座並木通りギャラリーにて10月15日(火)から31日(木)まで開催される、国境横断的な版画家の団体 ‘PRISM(Prism Print International)’の展覧会に伴っての展覧会となります。併せて御覧ください。

‘My Father’War’について




「Empire Theatre(帝国劇場)」は、1944年に戦争捕虜たちが廃屋となっていた小屋47Bの中に作りあげた劇場であり、「収容所内」での活動の代表的な実例となった。オスクレーの父がその「メイクアップ」担当になったことは、彼にとって極めて重要な出来事であった。どうらんやおしろいを使った彼のメイク技術は、芝居の中で際立っていただけでなく、収容所からの脱走を試みる者からも、変装のためメークの依頼が寄せられた。


Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War

This exhibition is organized together by:
Prism Print International,
Masahiro Kawara and Sachie Hirakawa from
kawalabo/Kawara Printmaking Laboratory,
Toshihiko Ikeda,
print gallery Tokyo

Thanks to
Shizko Kiyohara
Hiroko Yonezawa
So Imaizumi

Special thanks to
John Read and
Nigel Oxley

Nigel Oxley, My Fataher’s War

Nigel Oxley ‘The Empire Theatre—Make up box’
from the series ‘My Fataher’s War’ 2018

Nigel Oxley, My Fataher’s War

Nigel Oxley ‘Kit Box’ from the series
‘My Fataher’s War’ 2018


Prism Print International

Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War

Supported by:
British Council, INOAC Ginza Namikidori Gallery,
CLIFFORD CHANCE, Chance Multimedia

INOAC 銀座並木通りギャラリー
CLIFFORD CHANCE, Chance Multimedia

Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War

ロゴ_ブリティッシュ・カウンシル/British Council

Nigel Oxley, My Fataher’s War

Nigel Oxley ‘Look at me and remember me’
from the series ‘My Fataher’s War’ 2018

Exhibition by Nigel Oxley, My Father's War